
WHALEGAMER- US and Canada Vs Eu (Hypothetical)

  Hey guys it’s WhaleGamer  back and I will have a new series called “What If Wars” this is Part 1. So grab your popcorn and coke and enjoy!  The USA and Canada and the EU have always been strong allies. This will be interesting to see who will win in a war. Manpower  USA: 1.67 Million  France: 365,000 Italy: 301,000 Poland: 200,000 Spain: 199,700 Germany: 190,000 Uk: 187,555 Canada 170,000 Greece: 168,000 Romania: 145,000 Other: 350,000 Total US and Canada 1,771,000 Total EU: 1,742,000 Winner: North American Faction Planes US: 13,000 EU: 11,000         80% is British, German, French, Polish, Spaniard, and Italian.  Canada: 391  Winner: North American Faction  NUKES!! US: 5,550  France: 290 UK: 240  Canada (Operated By USA) 100 Germany (Operated By UK) 66  North American Faction: 5,590  EU:  597  Winner: North American Faction  I will stop now because if I list all the factors the article will be 10 pages long. Sooooo!!!!  I will announce the winner on the 23rd on another article expla

WhaleGamer: The Great Crypto Winter Part 1 - Articles 101 to 5,000 views!!!

 The Great Crypto Winter Part 1 Hey guys, this is something most of you guys have been waiting for. The Crypto Winter (This is all my opinion and I got my info from so go check their website out.)  Note: The glossary is at the bottom. Alright, so we are all aware that Bitcoin and Ethereum were doing very well late October. Bitcoin peaked  at $68,000 and Ethereum at $4,800. Originally most people were expecting Ether to end the year at $11,000 and Bitcoin at $120,000.   However, these plans changed when Bitcoin dropped $3,000, went up $2,000 and dropped another $5,000! Ether was going up and down and up and down like “dancing monkeys” (See at the end for financial definition) until it crashed another $600.  Another  thing I should bring up is the interest rate. On coinbase the interest rate is at 5% for bitcoin and 6% for Ethereum. They dropped to 4% and  5% a week later.  Investors are also very nervous about this because the last crypto crash lasted for 2 ½ months

WhaleGamer: Cryptos Coming Soon!!!


WhaleGamer: Best Minecraft Bow Enchantments

  Hey guys it’s the WhaleGamer back again I had to push my due date but I’m here now and I will tell you guys what are the best bow enchantments and how to get them. So the best bow enchantment period is Power 5. It increases bow damage by 55% which is insane! Usually the only way to get the book is to combine lower book levels however there is a 2.35% chance you might find it  in a Bastian or piglin trades. The second best enchantment is Flame, this is pretty obvious. I mean FIRE SHOOTING ARROWS. There is a 30% chance of getting them in a nether fortress or Bastian. There is also a 2 percent chance you can get them in a stronghold library. The next enchant is Punch which is very common and not worth that many levels. This is probably the most underrated Enchant and people especially Java players should see that. The final enchant I would put is Infinity. Again pretty self explanatory it shoots infinite arrows. The book has a 3 percent chance of finding it in a stronghold library.

How To Draw a Cartony Anime Body in My Style! // Isamu

  Hello everyone! It’s Isamu again, and it’s time for my first art tutorial. Just a disclaimer, these tutorials will all be in my style. Don’t tell me that it’s not good, because it’s my style, and don’t feel pressured to always draw in this style. So, all of that aside, let’s get into the tutorial! Step 1: Draw a thick, vertical straight line.  This helps with the symmetry and balance when it comes to the rest of the body. It isn’t completely necessary, but I highly recommend doing it. Step 2: Draw two triangles on the top and the bottom of the line. The one at the top should be smaller, and the one at the bottom should be wider. This shows where the main parts of the body are. The top of the top triangle roughly marks the shoulders, and the top of the bottom roughly marks the waist. You can also draw circles at the edges to mark the joints. Step 3:  draw lines positioned according to how you want to position the arms and legs connected to the circles. I’m just trying to show you the

Articles 101 - FIRST FAN ART!!!

Thank you to "BlogReadinIsAwesomeBruh" for making this fan art! Please subscribe and send us fan art as well! Thank you so much BlogReadinIsAwesomeBruh!!!

WhaleGamer: Top 9 Best Minecraft YouTubers

DREAM!!!  (The father of Minecraft manhunt, the sweatiest Minecraft player, known for his amazing clutches and good PVP skill. (27 M subs)   Technoblade  The worlds best Hypixel player and the World's Best PvPer and 8 time MCC champion and Minecraft Monday Champion. 9.81M Subs     Sb737 Has survived In Hradcore for 2300 days and is the 5th best PvPer. Sub count 3.01 M PrestonPlayz    Parkour champ, PvP Sweat, and Mod making genius Preston has a whopping 11.3 M subs   ClownPierce   The World's 2nd best Minecraft PvPer Clown has 16 hearts on the Lifesteal Smp. Sub Count 94K subs  Minecraft Curios (Known for his sweaty pvp fights and Clutch escapes Curios has emmased 750K Subs      Garian( One of the best redstone builders in the community. (IS OG YT) Sub Count: 5.5 M  Philza (Known for hardcore videos has won the award of surviving the longest in hardcore, friend of the legend Technoblade) Sub Count( 2.75) M TrixyBlox (One of Minecraft’s best builders has a project to transform M

The *NEW* Minecraft 1.19 update! (Part 1)

Hello everyone! It’s Isamu again, back for another article! (Sorry this article is a bit late- it took a while to write because I’m a master procrastinator) It’s my second article here on Articles 101, and I’m super excited about today’s topic! Which is… The new Minecraft 1.19 Wild Update! This update has so many new and exciting features, such as frogs, mud, and so much more! Let’s break it down: Features: Mud, obtained by pouring water on dirt (Variations: Mud Bricks) Frogs, naturally spawning in swamp biomes (Variations: Snowy frog, swamp frog, tropical frog, tadpole) Fireflies, naturally spawning in swamp biomes, eaten by frogs (see above) Mangrove trees, (we aren’t sure where they generate yet, either swamps or a new biome altogether) (Parts: Leaves, Mangrove wood, Roots) Wardens, a hostile mob spawning in caves when you activate a sculk shrieker (see below) Sculk, a dark bluish-greenish block that can spawn in a Warden (Variations: Sculk Sensor, thing that activates the Sculk Shr

Rare “Medicane” Hits Sicily

 Medicane Rips Through Southern Italy and Sicily by Articles 101 WorldNewz Southern Italy was hit by a rare medicane (Mediterranean Hurricane) on Wednesday, November 3. The medicane brought over 100kmh winds and 5 meter waves.  Streets all over Sicily and Southern Italy flooded, due to powerful and fierce storms that had been raging for days.  Video footage shows the city of Catania, being completely submerged by water. In Catania, it turned all the streets into rushing rivers, and the squares into deep lakes. There have been at least 2 confirmed deaths, and a missing woman because of the engulfing storm. Rescuers are continue to search for the lost woman, who is 54. Many think the powerful storm formed because of the torrid weather of Africa, and the warm Mediterranean waters. Seas have been warmer than usual as well. Thank you for reading Articles 101! Please subscribe, share, read, keep posted, and comment. Thank you!

Hoe China, Het Meest Bevolkte Land Ter Wereld, Zo Goed Omging Met Het COVID-Virus (Duth Versie - Dutch Version)

   Hoe ging China zo goed om met COVID? Het was tenslotte de geboorteplaats van het Coronavirus en het meest bevolkte land ter wereld. Veel mensen denken dat China niet al hun gevallen heeft gemeld, maar de Chinese overheid is daar ook heel streng in geweest. In het weekend testte een vrouw die net naar Shanghai Disneyland was geweest positief op COVID en het hele park werd afgesloten. 34.000 mensen moesten getest worden en zaten opgesloten in het park, en de Chinezen namen de situatie zeer serieus. Dit is slechts één voorbeeld van hoe de Chinese regering uiterst voorzichtig was en bijna iedereen in China het Coronavirus-vaccin heeft gekregen. Slechts 4.000 mensen stierven daar en 96.000 hebben het momenteel. Ook China kwam direct in actie, zette iedereen mondkapjes op en sloot de grenzen. Bedankt en abonneer je! 

How China, The Most Populated Country on Earth, Handled The COVID Virus So Well

 How did China handle COVID so well? After all, it was the birthplace of the Coronavirus, and the most populated country in the world. Many people think that China did not report all their cases, but the Chinese government has also been very strict about it. Over the weekend, a woman who had just went to the Shanghai Disneyland tested positive for COVID, and the whole park was shut down. 34,000 people needed to get tested and were trapped inside the park, and the Chinese took the situation very seriously. This is only one example of how the Chinese government was extremely careful, and almost everyone in China has got the Coronavirus vaccine. Only 4,000 people died there and 96,000 currently have it. China also immediately took action, made everyone where masks, and closed its borders. Thank you and please subscribe!

ECHT OF NEP? Studies Zeggen Dat Genghis Khan Dyslexie Had

Echt of nep? Raad eens of we een grapje maken, of dat we de waarheid vertellen over iets ongelooflijks. Studies zeggen dat Genghis Khan dyslexie had      Onderzoekers uit Spanje, Italië, Marokko, Turkije en Israël waren in de buurt van Ulan Bator en onderzochten hoe de Mongolen een enorm rijk vormden, toen ze bewijs ontdekten van oude scripts op rotsen. Ze vonden uiteindelijk bewijs van zijn schrijven op stenen. De tekst was in geen enkele bekende taal. Het nieuws verspreidde zich uiteindelijk snel in Ulaanbaatar en al snel over de hele wereld. De stenen werden teruggebracht naar drie laboratoria, één in Madrid, één in Rome en één in Casablanca. Onderzoekers in Madrid ontdekten eindelijk het grote nieuws - de woorden waren in slordig Mongools handschrift - en alles kwam door elkaar. Het laboratorium in Rome ontdekte - na vele studies en maanden van onderzoek - dat de woorden in het slordige handschrift van Genghis stonden toen hij jong was, en zijn dyslexie was erger. Nieuws verspreidd

What happened to me last friday - by Dablogger

Last Friday, I went to see my friend, and man, he is fucking smart. Anyways, he took me out with his girlfriend to this fucking good restaurant called Sushi King and I saw my ex-wife bitch there. When she saw me, bro, I could tell that I blew her asshole off of her. She was literally bullshit-astonished. She had a gun with her though. That's what completely threw me off. But she's crazy. Then, she literally took out her gun, called and pointed at what she said was a nigga, and pulled the trigger. I don't understand why, but that's why I broke up with her. I couldn't take anymore of that bullshit. The next part was really fucking weird and funny. She pulled out her phone and played the song on Spotify good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo, and she stared at me while just twerked all around, and I could see one of the chefs at the Sushi bar dialing 911. Everyone in the restaurant was frozen and completely freaked out. Especially my friend.  When the police came, they rushed ever

REAL OR FAKE? Studies Say Genghis Khan had Dyslexia

Real or fake? Guess if we’re just kidding, or if we are telling the truth about something unbelievable. Studies Say Genghis Khan Had Dyslexia      Researchers from Spain, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, and Israel were near Ulan Bator, researching on how the Mongols formed a huge empire, when they discovered evidence of ancient scripts on rocks. They eventually found evidence of his writing on stones. The text was not in any language known of. The news eventually spread rapidly around Ulan Bator and soon all over the world. The stones were brought back to three labs, one in Madrid, one in Rome, and one in Casablanca. Researchers in Madrid finally uncovered the big news- The words were in sloppy Mongolian handwriting- and all scrambled up. The lab in Rome uncovered- after many studies and months of researching -that the words were in Genghis's sloppy handwriting when he was young, and his dyslexia was worse. News spread from Spain, Italy, and Morocco- on, and on, and on. The stones are in t

Try Duolingo for Language Learning

Try Duolingo ( For Free Today! (it's worth it- and it's a great site- SO GET IT NOW!) (  Duolingo Language Learning Website FREE) by Articles 101 Recommendations           Hi, this is Articles 101 Recommendations, and I would like to show you why you should use  Duolingo .       Are you looking for a site to learn a language? Rosetta Stone ( Memrise? ( Try Duolingo. Here's why:      Duolingo is a language learning site with tons of courses, in all different languages. Duolingo has a good website layout and you can create an account for free. It has no ads no matter if you have a plus account, or a regular account, and it has many unique courses such as Welsh and Navajo.      You have stats and it keeps track of all words you need to study. It has a currency (called Lingots) for buying special upgrades that will keep your daily streak going for extra days. You can level up after developing your skills for

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So far, 36 posts.

 So far, we have 36 posts down, and if you want to see more, scroll all the way down to the bottom of our home page and click “more posts.”

Which Countries Have The MOST Islands in The World?!?!?

So yeah, what countries do have the most islands in the world? TOP 15 COUNTDOWN Let's find out. If you zoom in really close to a map, there is still no chance you'll be able to spot every single speck. We count ALL of the islands and most of these islands are tiny and unpopular, as well as uninhabitable. You will CERTAINLY find the top ones astonishing, as some of them barely have a border. Some of these islands or man-made or freezing-cold with extreme weather. Anyways, let's get to the topic: We don't want to spoil the Top 3, so we'll be counting down. It will be more exciting.                                                                                                                                                                            #       Country             Number of Islands 15     North Korea       3,579 14     Vietnam              4,000 13     Cuba                   4,195 12     South Korea        4,400 11     China                   5,000 10   

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Beautiful Pictures of The World

SUPER BEAUTY PHOTOS!!! found online by Articles 101 Photography