How To Draw a Cartony Anime Body in My Style! // Isamu

 Hello everyone! It’s Isamu again, and it’s time for my first art tutorial. Just a disclaimer, these tutorials will all be in my style. Don’t tell me that it’s not good, because it’s my style, and don’t feel pressured to always draw in this style. So, all of that aside, let’s get into the tutorial!

Step 1: Draw a thick, vertical straight line. 

This helps with the symmetry and balance when it comes to the rest of the body. It isn’t completely necessary, but I highly recommend doing it.

Step 2:

Draw two triangles on the top and the bottom of the line. The one at the top should be smaller, and the one at the bottom should be wider.

This shows where the main parts of the body are. The top of the top triangle roughly marks the shoulders, and the top of the bottom roughly marks the waist. You can also draw circles at the edges to mark the joints.

Step 3: 

draw lines positioned according to how you want to position the arms and legs connected to the circles.

I’m just trying to show you the basics, so I'm not doing any crazy positioning. I recommend doing this with slight adjustments to the legs and arms, until you feel confident in your ability to pose. Again, just a recommendation. Do whatever you want.

Step 4: 

draw the head.

I do this by drawing two lines on the side, and then a round or pointy chin depending on the gender. For girls, I usually do pointy but soft jawlines.

Step 5:

Start the outline. Add two curved lines for the neck, use the top of the triangle as a guideline for the shoulders, (but make them slant down a little,) and just outline the arms according to their position.

It’s starting to look less stiff already!

Step 6: 

Outline the torso. Draw two circles, LOLLL on the “chest area,” we all know what those are, and then use that guide and on the bottom, curve in to a thin waist-stomach area.

Again, just my style.

Step 7: 

Outline the waist. First make the torso curve out and into a little pointy fox-head like shape at the end, which really helps me a lot to position the legs.

Step 8: 

Outline the legs. We’re almost done! Connected to the fox head, draw two long teardrop-like shapes according to how the lines in the middle are positioned, big at the top and getting skinnier as it goes to the bottom. Make little triangles for the feet pointing inward.

Step 9:

Hands. The dreaded body part. I usually just do a small outline and then separate the fingers, (this tip is from Lavendertowne on YouTube,) and I usually draw attention to the rest of the figure. Sorry, but I don’t have much advice for this one.

Step 10: 

Erase! Now, just erase all the guide shapes and you have your final product!

Obviously, you might want to make some adjustments, but there you have it! You can also add something called lineart weight, which is where you find the parts of the lineart that would be being pulled down by gravity, and thicken those lines.

But other than that, you’re done! Feel free to email me with your finished product, but don’t ink it yet! I will be coming out with a hair, face, and clothes tutorial soon, so stay tuned!

Peace, Love, and Art!

-Isamu P.S Follow WhaleGamer

(Please don’t mind these large images at the bottom. I don’t know why they’re there or how to get rid of them. Sorry.)


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