
Showing posts with the label Around The World

Romeo C. - Reducing Pollution - How pollution’s hurting the Earth, why, and how to slow and stop it

Reducing Pollution by Romeo C.   1: This is my first article! Please enjoy it. 2: Please think about this article the next time you throw something in the garbage. Hello! I am Romeo and I will be posting all sorts of articles about all sorts of things! I am interested and will post about: Wars Current Events Politics Environment The Earth Countries YouTube etc. Anyways let’s get started with this article!    Ok. Let’s say two days every week, you drive your car to the supermarket. You buys gas, plastic toys, glass and clay objects, smokers, wood, plastic bottles of water, and a 10-Pack of soda, all stored in multiple plastic bags.     One thing to say: ALL OF THIS IS BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!!! The environment is our earth! We only have one planet. If we continue polluting this much, in thirty or so years our world will be a junkyard. Driving your to go to the supermarket and then back home twice every week pollutes the air and messes with climate change. It...

What If Part 2 US and Canada VS EU! - WhaleGamer

 Sooo…… the answer is…………. NORTH AMERICAN FACTION!!! It was obvious they were going to win. They have more men, planes, tanks and carriers. In fact even if all of SOUTH AMERICA was on the EU’s side they would still lose. The Canadians and Americans would bombard Britain than land assaults on Portugal and Ireland. After that they steamroll through Europe. Taking Control of France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, and etc.  They could also NUKE cites such as Paris, Bordeaux, Frankfurt, Milan, London, Genova, and more as a backup.  PLS VIEW MY ARTICLES!! Anyways thanks for the support on the last What If!  Peace, War, Diplomcy-WhaleGamer BTW My Roblox username is SUS_Whaletamer90.

Rare “Medicane” Hits Sicily

 Medicane Rips Through Southern Italy and Sicily by Articles 101 WorldNewz Southern Italy was hit by a rare medicane (Mediterranean Hurricane) on Wednesday, November 3. The medicane brought over 100kmh winds and 5 meter waves.  Streets all over Sicily and Southern Italy flooded, due to powerful and fierce storms that had been raging for days.  Video footage shows the city of Catania, being completely submerged by water. In Catania, it turned all the streets into rushing rivers, and the squares into deep lakes. There have been at least 2 confirmed deaths, and a missing woman because of the engulfing storm. Rescuers are continue to search for the lost woman, who is 54. Many think the powerful storm formed because of the torrid weather of Africa, and the warm Mediterranean waters. Seas have been warmer than usual as well. Thank you for reading Articles 101! Please subscribe, share, read, keep posted, and comment. Thank you!

Hoe China, Het Meest Bevolkte Land Ter Wereld, Zo Goed Omging Met Het COVID-Virus (Duth Versie - Dutch Version)

   Hoe ging China zo goed om met COVID? Het was tenslotte de geboorteplaats van het Coronavirus en het meest bevolkte land ter wereld. Veel mensen denken dat China niet al hun gevallen heeft gemeld, maar de Chinese overheid is daar ook heel streng in geweest. In het weekend testte een vrouw die net naar Shanghai Disneyland was geweest positief op COVID en het hele park werd afgesloten. 34.000 mensen moesten getest worden en zaten opgesloten in het park, en de Chinezen namen de situatie zeer serieus. Dit is slechts één voorbeeld van hoe de Chinese regering uiterst voorzichtig was en bijna iedereen in China het Coronavirus-vaccin heeft gekregen. Slechts 4.000 mensen stierven daar en 96.000 hebben het momenteel. Ook China kwam direct in actie, zette iedereen mondkapjes op en sloot de grenzen. Bedankt en abonneer je! 

How China, The Most Populated Country on Earth, Handled The COVID Virus So Well

 How did China handle COVID so well? After all, it was the birthplace of the Coronavirus, and the most populated country in the world. Many people think that China did not report all their cases, but the Chinese government has also been very strict about it. Over the weekend, a woman who had just went to the Shanghai Disneyland tested positive for COVID, and the whole park was shut down. 34,000 people needed to get tested and were trapped inside the park, and the Chinese took the situation very seriously. This is only one example of how the Chinese government was extremely careful, and almost everyone in China has got the Coronavirus vaccine. Only 4,000 people died there and 96,000 currently have it. China also immediately took action, made everyone where masks, and closed its borders. Thank you and please subscribe!

Which Countries Have The MOST Islands in The World?!?!?

So yeah, what countries do have the most islands in the world? TOP 15 COUNTDOWN Let's find out. If you zoom in really close to a map, there is still no chance you'll be able to spot every single speck. We count ALL of the islands and most of these islands are tiny and unpopular, as well as uninhabitable. You will CERTAINLY find the top ones astonishing, as some of them barely have a border. Some of these islands or man-made or freezing-cold with extreme weather. Anyways, let's get to the topic: We don't want to spoil the Top 3, so we'll be counting down. It will be more exciting.                                                                                                                      ...

Beautiful Pictures of The World

SUPER BEAUTY PHOTOS!!! found online by Articles 101 Photography