
Showing posts with the label Cooking

The Perfect Guacamole Recipe-WhaleGamer

 Hey Guys, it’s Whale back again with a new topic… Cooking!! This will be Part 1 so hope you guys enjoy!  Ingredients (For 4) 3 Avocados 1 Lime  1 Small red onion Cilantro to garnish  1 Tomato  2 Cloves Of Garlic  Salt  to taste  Pepper to taste 1 Jalapeño  Step 1.   Step 1 Cut the Avocados in half and carefully remove the seed. Use a spoon to scoop the avocado and add to bowl. Mash for 1 min. Tip: Make sure the avacodo is still chunky! Step.2  Add Salt, Pepper, and Lime. Mix for a couple of minutes  Step 3 add diced Onions, Tomatoes. Tip: I like to dry my cut tomatoes with a paper napkin. Step 4 Add cilantro  and minced Garlic And jalapeños.  Step 5 Add the salt and pepper to taste.  . Step 6 Enjoy with chips of your choice or a Mexican dish or just with a spoon itself!! Hope you guys enjoyed your Guacamole!  Peace, Cook, Season-WhaleGamer