
Showing posts from September, 2021

Where2Go Version: 30 Most Visited Countries in THE WORLD

The 30 Most Visited Countries IN THE WORLD!!! by Articles 101 Travel FROM Where2Go Articles by Articles 101 Travel Source from Articles 101 Links from From Where2GoArticles101 Here are the 30 top visited countries in the world! Scroll past this to see more info on the top five countries! 1. France – 82.6 million visitors 2. The United States – 75.6 million visitors 3. Spain – 75.6 million visitors 4. China – 59.3 million visitors 5. Italy – 52.4 million visitors 6. United Kingdom – 35.8 million visitors 7. Germany – 35.6 million visitors 8. Mexico – 35.0 million visitors 9. Thailand – 32.6 million visitors 10. Turkey – 30 million visitors 11. Austria – 28.1 million visitors 12. Malaysia – 26.8 million visitors 13. Hong Kong – 26.6 million visitors 14. Greece – 24.8 million visitors 15. Russia – 24.6 million visitors 16. Japan – 24.0 million visitors 17. Canada – 20.0 million visitors 18. Saudi Arabia – 18.0 million visitors 19. Poland – 17.5 million visitors 20. So...

Sokeefe VS. Sophitz - O Guardião Supremo das Cidades Perdidas (série de Shannon Messenger) Navio GUERRA!!! (Português/Portugese Version)

 Olá! Meu nome é Isamu-Chan, ou apenas Isamu. Estou muito feliz por fazer parte da equipe do Artigos 101! Escreverei sobre muitos tópicos que me interessam e, se você tiver alguma sugestão de que eu goste, ótimo, mas não vou aceitar sugestões sobre coisas que não me interessam, como: Política Notícia Drama de celebridades NSFW COVID-19 Mas vou falar sobre aqueles sobre os quais realmente gosto de escrever, incluindo: Romances de ficção científica / fantasia Jogos de vídeo Arte Anime Agora, vamos discutir nosso primeiro tópico! Sokeefe VS Sophitz - O Guardião Supremo das Cidades Perdidas Guerra de Navios! * ANTES DE LER ESTE ARTIGO, TENHA EM MENTE QUE EXISTEM ALGUNS SPOILERS PRINCIPAIS *      Este é o artigo que todos vocês estavam esperando !! Existem muitos vídeos e outras coisas sobre isso, mas eu realmente vou direto ao ponto e escolher cada detalhe aqui. Então, vamos começar com alguns traços de caráter do homem em cada navio e apontar aqueles que os tornam bons ...

Newest Journalist of the blog! - Introducing...Isamu-Chan!!!

Hello! My name is Isamu-Chan, or just Isamu. I’m so excited to be joining the Articles 101 team! I will be writing about many topics that interest me, and if you have any suggestions that I like, that’s great, but I’m not going to be taking ones about things that don’t interest me, such as: Politics News Celebrity drama NSFW COVID-19 But I will be talking about ones that I really enjoy writing about, including: Sci-fi/fantasy novels Video games Art Anime

Sokeefe VS. Sophitz - The Ultimate Keeper of the Lost Cities (series by Shannon Messenger) Ship WAR!!!

Hello! My name is Isamu-Chan, or just Isamu. I’m so excited to be joining the Articles 101 team! I will be writing about many topics that interest me, and if you have any suggestions that I like, that’s great, but I’m not going to be taking ones about things that don’t interest me, such as: Politics News Celebrity drama NSFW COVID-19 But I will be talking about ones that I really enjoy writing about, including: Sci-fi/fantasy novels Video games Art Anime Now, let’s discuss our first topic! Sokeefe VS Sophitz- The Ultimate Keeper of the Lost Cities Ship War! *BEFORE YOU READ THIS ARTICLE, KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE ARE SOME MAJOR SPOILERS*      This is the article that you’ve all been waiting for!! There are many videos and stuff on this, but I’m really going to get down to the wire and pick at every detail here. So, let’s start off with some character traits of the male in each ship, and point out the ones that make them either good, or bad. Starting with Fitz: Ang...


Thank you for visiting and sharing our blog everybody! We have stretched our articles out to the country Portugal.  Obrigada!!! (Thank you)

Find US on Quizizz!

Find US on Quizizz! We now have a quizizz account, so now you'll be able to study with us even harder! Quizzes on our blog posts will be posted a long with lots of other goodness! Look up Articles 101 OFFICIAL on 

First Story from YouWrite!

First Story from YouWrite! by AV on YouWrite Articles 101 "Agent" Prologue:        I was absolutely freaked out. Shadow behind me. He new I had it. The story. The data. The thoughts. But I had him. I knew where he was. No one knew where I was. Then why was he here? Red eyes. Purple mist. Dark world. What had happened? If only the sky was blue. If only the coconut trees weren't red and evil. If only it hadn't swept him away. If only he hadn't saw him. He was now cornered. Locked up in a room. Chains on his wrists. His ankles. The shadow was with him. What was it? A Haruspex would come to him. Here came round two. If only he thought less. If only they didn't take his mind away. A flash. A boom. A figure. A polygraph. A scan. A light. Everything bright white. If only he didn't want to go. If only the spiralex came. If only everything wasn't lost to them. He had to stand tall. But he couldn't. If only the world wasn't really blacked out. If only he...

12 Most Visited Countries in Africa: Articles 101 Travel

12 Most Visited Countries in Africa by Articles 101 Travel Here are the most visited countries in Africa: 1. Morocco - 12.93 million visitors 2. South Africa - 10.23 million visitors 3. Tunisia - 9.43 million visitors 4. Zimbabwe - 2.29 million visitors 5. Mauritius - 1.38 million visitors 6. Togo - 0.88 million visitors 7. Cabo Verde - 0.76 million visitors 8. Reunion - 0.53 million visitors 9. Madagascar - 0.38 million visitors 10. Seychelles - 0.38 Please show us your support by subscribing/following and sharing our blog! Thank you for reading!