
Showing posts from January, 2022

Fiction Wars Italian Issue 4 - Italia contro le nazioni alpine, Slovenia, Croazia e Bosnia ed Erzegovina

QUESTA GUERRA È FANTASIA. NON È DESTINATO A DANNEGGIARE LE PERSONE. 1 gennaio: le Nazioni alpine (Svizzera, Austria e Liechtenstein) dichiarano guerra all'Italia. 8 gennaio: La battaglia di Innsbruck porta a una vittoria italiana. 11 gennaio: Slovenia, Croazia e Bosnia si uniscono alla guerra contro l'Italia. 13 gennaio: Treviso viene catturata dai militari sloveni e croati. 15 gennaio: Vaduz viene catturato e il Liechtenstein si arrende. 16 gen: Treviso viene liberata. 18 gennaio: la marina italiana bombarda le coste croate. 25 gennaio: Ginevra viene conquistata dall'Italia e Trento annessa alla Slovenia. 27 gen: Trento viene liberata. 28 gennaio: Maribor viene catturata dall'Italia. 31 gennaio: Maribor viene liberata. 2 febbraio: Vienna viene bombardata. 8 febbraio: l'Austria si arrende. 13 febbraio: Lubiana viene catturata e la Slovenia si arrende. 20 febbraio: Zagabria viene catturata. 22 febbraio: la Croazia si arrende. 23 febbraio: Sarajevo viene catturata. 27...

The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman

Hello readers! In this article, we will be showing off our pride for the USA with this poem by Amanda Gorman. Watch Amanda Gorman Present The Hill We Climb: WATCH: Amanda Gorman reads inauguration poem, 'The Hill We Climb' When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?   The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We've braved the belly of the beast, We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, and the norms and notions of what just is isn't always just-ice. And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we've weathered and witnessed a nation that isn't broken, but simply unfinished. We the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one. And yes we are far from polished. Far from pristine. But that doesn't mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We...

Fiction Wars Italian Issue 4 - Italia contro le nazioni alpine, Slovenia, Croazia e Bosnia ed Erzegovina

THIS WAR IS FICTIONAL. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO HARM PEOPLE. Jan 1: The Alpine Nations (Switzerland, Austria, and Liechtenstein) declare war on Italy.  Jan 8: The Battle of Innsbruck leads in an Italian victory. Jan 11: Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia join the war against Italy. Jan 13: Treviso is captured by the Slovene and Croatian military. Jan 15: Vaduz is captured and Liechtenstein surrenders. Jan 16: Treviso is liberated. Jan 18: Italian navy bombard the Croatian coast. Jan 25: Geneva is captured by Italy and Trento is annexed by Slovenia. Jan 27: Trento is liberated. Jan 28: Maribor is captured by Italy. Jan 31: Maribor is liberated. Feb 2: Vienna is nuked. Feb 8: Austria surrenders. Feb 13: Ljubljana is captured and Slovenia surrenders. Feb 20: Zagreb is captured. Feb 22: Croatia surrenders. Feb 23: Sarajevo is captured. Feb 27: Graz is captured. Feb 29: Geneva is captured. Mar 3: Vienna is nuked once more, and Austria surrenders. Mar 9: Switzerland surrenders. Mar 27: The Treat...

Fictional War Issue 3 - WhaleGamer

 So today, I will be doing a Southeast Asia war and only Southeast Asian countries can join these include  Vietnam  Cambodia   Laos  Burma/ Myanmar  Thailand  Malaysia  Phillipens  Singapore  Bruni  Indonesia  THIS IS FICTIONAL AND IS NOT LIKELY TO HAPPEN. THIS IS A JOKE! June 26th- Indonesia declares war on Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.  June 30th- Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, and Laos declare war on the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. July 2nd- Thailand and Vietnam declare war on Burma, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, and Laos. July 5th- Malaysia captures Brunei. July 8th- Vietnam begins a minor push into Laos. July 9th- Indonesia captures most of Bornean Malaysia. July 11th- Vientiane the capital of Laos is captured by Thai forces. July 18th- The capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh surrenders to Vietnam and Cambodia capitulates.   July 21st- The Philippines makes a landing in Borneo. July 23rd- Thailand capt...

Fictional War Issue 2- WhaleGamer is back!!

 Hey everyone I’m back with a solo blog in what seems like era’s so I am glad to be back. Anyways I will be doing a fictional war when the EU and UK go to war with Russia and no other nations can join in.  THIS IS FICTIONAL  AND IS NOT MENAT TO HURT SOMEONE'S FEELINGS. THIS IS A JOKE. June 29th- Russia declares war on the Baltic States, Finland, Poland, Hungry, Slovakia, Sweden, Romania, Germany, Denmark, France, the Uk, and Greece.  June 30th- The rest of the EU declares war on Russia  July 5th- Battle Of Kaliningrad results in Polish and German victory. July 9th- Riga is captured. July 15th- Finland takes over most of Mummrask territory July 17th- Latvia and Estonia surrender.    July 19th- Russian Navy bombards Stockholm and Rostock. July 20th-July 28th- The seize of Villinus begins and is a huge loss of life on both sides.  July 28th- Lithuanian Forces surrender after Villinus is captured. July 29th- British and Russian navy’s begin skirm...

Fictional History Issue 1: War in Southern Africa

Please be aware that this is all fictional. Jan 2134: South Africa declares war on Lesotho, and Lesotho's closest ally, Swaziland or Eswatini joins the war. Mar 2134: Swaziland surrenders after South Africa reaches Mbabane. Apr 2134: Lesotho surrenders after Maseru is captured and scorched. May 2134: Lesotho, South Africa, and Swaziland sign the Durban Treaty: South Africa will annex all cities occupied by Swaziland in Lesotho. South Africa will also seize 75% percent of their resources and treasury.  Jun 2134: South Africa poverty increases by 7%, while life expectancy, health, and safety drop. Aug 2134: Madagascar forms a diplomatic alliance with South Africa. Sep 2134: Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Namibia unite forming the Kalahari-Zimbabwe Union.

Celebrating Our 101st Article!

Hello and we pleased to announce that Articles 101 has 101 different articles! This is the 101st! Please show your support by donating, leaving helpful comments, and sharing. Thank you!

Op Reis Naar Frankrijk

Reisadvies Frankrijk | Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Laatst gewijzigd op: 30-12-2021 | Nog steeds geldig op: 06-01-2022 Het reisadvies voor Frankrijk is door het coronavirus geel. Reizen is mogelijk, maar let op, er zijn risico’s. Vanaf 3 januari 2022 gelden er nieuwe regels. Lees in het reisadvies wat dit voor u betekent. Geel: let op, er zijn risico's De kleurcode van het reisadvies voor Frankrijk is geel. U kunt reizen naar Frankrijk. Maar let op: er zijn inreisbeperkingen voor reizigers uit Nederland door corona.

Op Reis Naar Denemarken

Reisadvies Denemarken | Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Laatst gewijzigd op: 30-12-2021 | Nog steeds geldig op: 06-01-2022 De kleurcode voor Denemarken is geel. Vanaf 27 december 2021 moeten alle reizigers in het bezit zijn van een negatieve PCR-test van maximaal 72 uur bij aankomst of een negatieve antigeentest van maximaal 48 uur bij aankomst in Denemarken. Dit geldt ook als u volledig gevaccineerd bent. Lees voor meer informatie de coronarubriek en de website van de Deense overheid. Bij terugkeer vanuit Denemarken naar Nederland moet u een coronabewijs laten zien. Als u vanuit Nederland naar Denemarken reist met een negatief testresultaat moet u in Denemarken nog een test doen. Lees wat dit voor u betekent. Geel: let op, er zijn risico's De kleurcode van het reisadvies voor Denemarken is geel. U kunt naar Denemarken reizen, maar let op: er zijn inreisbeperkingen voor reizigers uit Nederland. Bedankt en abonneer je op Artikelen 101!

Sponsoring Paris Mapping

Articles 101 has officially sponsored Paris Mapping on YouTube. Please subscribe to Paris Mapping!  Here is Paris Mapping's Newest Video: YouTube - Paris Mapping - The New World of Europe Part 1: European Corruption

TRUE OR FALSE? Madonna's Real Name Is Actually Madonna

98% of our viewers skip through this, but we're looking for you to make a difference to us, even if your donation is only a cent. If Articles 101 has provided you with 2$ of helpful information, we beg you to please donate to us to help us achieve our goal of reaching out our articles to worldwide countries. We are also trying to achieve advertisements to inform even more people on true facts and fun articles, so you can also share our blog. Please donate to us if you have enjoyed reading articles from us. It's time for another true or false! The pop singer Madonna's first name is actually Madonna! But is this false- not many people are named Madonna- or is this true because honestly, where would Madonna get the name for herself from? Tell us in the comments what you think! Last True or false's answer was.... Drumroll... TRUE! Please share our blog! Thank you!

What is the difference between The Holy Roman Empire, The Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire, and The Roman Empire?

98% of our viewers skip through this, but we're looking for you to make a difference to us, even if your donation is only a cent. If Articles 101 has provided you with 2$ of helpful information, we beg you to please donate to us to help us achieve our goal of reaching out our articles to worldwide countries. We are also trying to achieve advertisements to inform even more people on true facts and fun articles, so you can also share our blog. Please donate to us if you have enjoyed reading articles from us. Well, the difference between the Roman Empire and The Holy Roman Empire is the Roman Empire that was overseen by the Roman Government. The Holy Roman Empire was overseen by the Holy Roman Emperor (the secular ruler), under the Vatican in Rome. The Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD, when Rome was sacked by the Goths. The Eastern Roman Empire had came into history when the Roman Empire collapsed and split into different empires. The Eastern Roman Empire was the only empire that surv...

Top 10 Hit Songs - Week 1/1/2022 (WhaleGamer/Romeo C. Collaboration - UPDATED)

98% of our viewers skip through this, but we're looking for you to make a difference to us, even if your donation is only a cent. If Articles 101 has provided you with 2$ of helpful information, we beg you to please donate to us to help us achieve our goal of reaching out our articles to worldwide countries. We are also trying to achieve advertisements to inform even more people on true facts and fun articles, so you can also share our blog. Please donate to us if you have enjoyed reading articles from us. Week: 1/1/2022 Articles 101 Writers   Romeo C.   and   WhaleGamer    collaborated to find information to give you these top songs. Here they are! Remember, this post updates every week. Hello! This article shows the top 10 pop hit songs! We will be updating this post every Sunday. Thank you and please subscribe! 1. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey PHOTO SHY jk lol 2. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee 3. Jingle Bell R...